Basket of Tolerance

The Seven Stages of Life (mobile friendly) Page, which started off as a Bootstrap Experiment

The Seven Stages of Life
The Seven Stages of Life

I’ve been working on making a bootstrap carousel… which has been morphing into a page showing off Adi Da’s Seven Stages of Life.

First I got a bootstrap carousel working with bootstrap and jquery. Good. Then I started working with headers and captions in the carousel, and was dissatified with the legibility of the text, so eventually I just decided to put text below and remove all the text from the carousel itself.

I have beautiful artwork to work from, adapting it to a mobile format–think chunks instead of big blobs. So instead of a long long landscape image with embedded text, I chunked it down to the basic image, then put the text into a flexible list with a nice css3 gradient using colors from the image. That way the page can be viewed from a smartphone (landscape, 420 pixels) all the way up to a desktop useful content.

Stage Four
Stage Four