Education tech

Excellent Programming Book: The Pragmatic Programmer, 2nd Edition

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Delightful, practical book on a difficult subject. 20th Anniversary edition just came out in Sept 2019. I’m currently listening to the 10 hour edition, which is cheaper than the hardback book.

Education tech

Worm to Butterfly

Adi Da Meditation Cave
Adi Da Meditation Cave

Itā€™s more of a

ā€œgo into a cave for six months

and hopefully

get a job

when you


sort of thing.

How to Break Into the Tech Industry, by Haseeb Qureshi

So I think I’m going to meditate on my Guru and cocoon in tech.

Art Humor

Do Not Play Games with Sex

Untitled, from The Secret Art of Dr. Seuss, page 29
Untitled, from The Secret Art of Dr. Seuss, page 29

A quote from the World-Teacher, Adi Da:

Do not play games with sex. It is a very powerful deluding force, and a diversion from the Inherent Divine Self-Nature, Self-Condition, and Self-State of Reality Itself, into conditional (or cosmic) illusions.

You do not even see the human body as it is. You see it through pictures, through mind. You put on a mummers’ show for one another. In the most common case, women are the “something”, the sexual “object” for men–and men are the same for women. It is a style. But it is also an illusion about you. It is a game….

from “The Only Sorrowless Domain”, the Epilogue in Always Enact Fidelity To Me

The image is Untitled, from The Secret Art of Dr. Seuss, page 29