
Why is the Raspberry Pi Successful?

The raspberry pi SBC (single board computer) began in England in 2012 as an idea to get a really low-cost computer into schools to teach children computer skills. “The original model became more popular than anticipated, selling outside its target market for diverse uses such as robotics, home and industrial automation, and by computer and electronic hobbyists, because of its low cost, modularity, open design, and its adoption of the HDMI and USB standards.”–wikipedia

I use Raspberry Pis for digital signage, and as a music player and as a backup server. They’re simple and low-power small deck-of-cards size computers.


Playing with Raspberry Pis

I just bought a raspberry Pi zero, and hoped to use it for a kiosk in a local realtor’s office. However, the default browser, chromium, was a total pain to use–actually, it is unusable on this little computer… So I ordered a Raspy Pi 4, and a day passed, and I thought… why not look for a lightweight browser? See if that will work? And of course I got one and it’s working fine! That’s a win for patience and persistence.


You don’t need a pricey smartphone

What if I told you there’s a smartphone that costs 1/10th the price of some flagships but gives 95% of their features? Yeah, bargain time! The Moto G Play is available on Amazon for $130. April 2024.


Why Sell Real Estate 4 Bitcoin

link here.


Living by The Mountain of Attention Sanctuary

View of Tall Animals Land hillside next to The Mountain of Attention
Inside view of The Mountain of Attention Sanctuary

The World-Friend Adi Da first stepped onto the Mountain of Attention Sanctuary on Jan 23, 1974.

A Movie Review: The Miracle

The Miracle on Netflix

The Miracle is on Netflix, a Turkish movie with subtitles, based on a true story, see pictures on

A teacher in Turkey in the 1960s runs off to a remote village to avoid getting drafted. Unfortunately, there is no school in the village. He despairs but then agrees to teach only if girls are included in a new school. The teacher begins teaching a disabled man as well. Drama, comedy, and a miracle!

Quote from the movie: Muhtar Davut: Some people have eyes in their hearts. They see the world through those eyes. They see everything through those eyes.