
Inflation & Fiat Currencies

  • History of Currencies (The Bitcoin Standard) on how all currencies go to worthless over time
  • Governments were based on Gold Reserves
  • Governments migrated to Fiat from Gold in the twentieth century (because of centralization and corruption)
  • Governments are printing currency to pay bills = Inflation
  • ShadowStats example
  • Spreadsheet with 10% inflation example (between 6-7 years to debase money by 50%)
  • Lynn Alden suggests a decade of inflation as debts are too much to be paid except by printing more currency, thereby debasing currency. The interest on the US debt is just too much to pay!
  • Therefore, move money out of currency into other assets

History has shown that governments will inevitably succumb to the temptation of inflating the money supply…. government will always find a reason or way to print more money, expanding government power while reducing the wealth of the currency holders.

Saifedean Ammous, from The Bitcoin Standard, page 67

On, near the bottom of a ridiculously long home page, there’s a couple useful paragraphs:

Have you ever wondered why the CPI, GDP and employment numbers run counter to your personal and business experiences? The problem lies in biased and often-manipulated government reporting. Primers on Government Economic Reports What you’ve suspected but were afraid to ask. The story behind unemployment, the Federal Deficit, CPI, GDP.

The above chart shows how long it takes to lose 50% of one’s money at 10% inflation per year–between 6 & 7 years.

Lynn Alden, who I consider to be a respectable economy wonk, says:

My base case going forward continues to be that with the combination of sizable broad money supply growth, along with public opinion pushing the pendulum back away from globalization, consumer price inflation is likely to be higher in the 2020s decade than in the 2010s decade.

Last, summary paragraph of a really really long information rich page
ebooks Education tech

About the Internet Archive

Brewster Kahle’s work to archive all human knowledge and make it publically available to everyone. That’s a noble intention!

“What is best known about the Library of Alexandria, version 1, is burning. So don’t just have one copy, so in addition to SF (on the San Andreas fault line), one in Alexandria (in the middle east [perpetual war zone]), and one in Amsterdam (in a flood zone). So we’re hedging our bets here.”–Brewster Kahle

World Situation: Is this archive going to be public or private? (Corporations want to control it.) Or universal access of all knowledge for all mankind.

“Free to the People”–Inscription at the Entrance to the Carnegie Library , Pittsburgh

Ted Talk
& a 12 minute audio interview.


Raspberry Pi Alternatives

I like raspberry pi PCs because they (were) cheap when I bought them (around $25) and they’re the size of a deck of cards, and use little electricity. The alternatives are now a better bang for the buck since 2019 when availability went down and they started being scalped. Hopefully later this year or next year the production runs will go up and bring the prices back down.

I currently have 4 running Raspy Pis:

  • 2 in a local realtor’s offices displaying Lake County Ca properties (using a boot-time chrome to display the houses using a webserver I maintain)
  • 1 running a DIY nas in my office
  • 1 running a music webserver (volumio) in the bedroom

Here’s a short youtube video on the Raspy Pi alternatives.

A new video came out on May 18 with an Eben Upton (creator of the Pi) interview, where he says supplies will catch up in later half of 2023.

Prior Unity

Max Planck: “I regard consciousness as fundamental…”

Max Planck (1858-1947) was a Nobel Prize-winning German physicist and the father of quantum theory. His work in the field of theoretical physics led the way to many advances throughout the 20th century. Today, Planck’s name is synonymous with the German science community, evidenced by his being the namesake of the country’s Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science.

I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.”

Source: The Observer (25 January 1931) (via Wikiquote)

Krishna Das Meeting Ram Das & Neem Karoli Baba

Here’s a link to a youtube interview of Krishna Das on meeting Ram Das, which eventually led to him to finding his Guru, Neem Karoli Baba.