
Rip Van Winkle Does Chi Gong

Statue of Rip van Winkle

Ā I am Rip Van Winkle.

Iā€™m slowly rousingĀ to life again after a long twenty-three year nightmare of fatigue. After thisĀ long-time of suffering chronic fatigue, I was finally diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, thanks to Obamacare!

So I changed my diet & wear an octopus on my face at night (a cpap machine), and itā€™s made some real difference. But not enough. So I have keep at it like a detective figuring out why such low conductivity and how to naturally amp it up, without coffee, etc.

I will try & bother my doctor so I can look at the stats the cpap makes. (Iā€™ve looked at a file, and can reader the header, but the data is binary encoded, so I will push to get the format.) So far he hasnā€™t been willing to give the data to me, although somehow the fact of me having a cpap has (via my providers no doubt) gotten into the hands of internet advertisers, not thru me, so now surfing shows cpap machines in the adverts. Kind of amusing how itā€™s easier to see my stuff on the internet than it is to get it from my provider.

Chi Gong
Chi Gong

Rip meditatesĀ & does Da Chi Gong

So pranayama & Chi Gong then. & Guru meditation. Adi Da says, ā€œI am your capability. Therefore, your capability is Unlimited.ā€ ā€“from the book Love and Blessings.






Radical Healing

The Basic Principle Of General Health and Well-being In The Only-By-Me Revealed and Given ā€œRadicalā€ Reality-Way Of The Heart, and The Basic Principle Of ā€œRadicalā€ Healingā€¦ Is Communion With The Prior Perfectionā€¦ In Which the bodily human being is arisingā€¦

by Adi Da, from Right Life Is Free Participation In Unlimited Radiance.