Art Humor

Do Not Play Games with Sex

Untitled, from The Secret Art of Dr. Seuss, page 29
Untitled, from The Secret Art of Dr. Seuss, page 29

A quote from the World-Teacher, Adi Da:

Do not play games with sex. It is a very powerful deluding force, and a diversion from the Inherent Divine Self-Nature, Self-Condition, and Self-State of Reality Itself, into conditional (or cosmic) illusions.

You do not even see the human body as it is. You see it through pictures, through mind. You put on a mummers’ show for one another. In the most common case, women are the “something”, the sexual “object” for men–and men are the same for women. It is a style. But it is also an illusion about you. It is a game….

from “The Only Sorrowless Domain”, the Epilogue in Always Enact Fidelity To Me

The image is Untitled, from The Secret Art of Dr. Seuss, page 29