Education tech

Fast Learning Book: Badass: Making Users Awesome

Experts are not what they know but what they do.
Repeatedly.–page 81

OK then, I want to learn Laravel the O’Reilly “Head First” way. Kathy Sierra came up with the idea when she started writing books on Java around 2003: Kathy says: you don’t focus on the tool, you focus on making the user of the tool awesome.

So how does one make the user awesome? One breaks the subject matter down into small lessons, and repeats them alot, to achieve a fast learning flow.

Also using whole-body techniques– Splash! Wake me up with a tiger to get my attention.

Education Participation

Everything Altogether is Trying to Be a Revelation for you

Everything altogether is trying to be a revelation for you. It is just that you are not sensitive to it in your ordinary habit. The shaman, you see, has entered into a discipline to make himself sensitive. It is not that he is making the magic happen. The magic is already there. He is just not sensitive to it, not in a position to observe it. Thus, he must engage in a discipline that enables him to participate in what is already happening. Then all of a sudden he sees all kinds of magical things.

–the World-Friend, Adi Da, from The Transmission of Doubt, Talks and Essays on the Transcendence of Scientific Materialism through Radical Understanding, page 239


How to Prevent World-Destruction?

In order that world-destruction be prevented, the “late-time” ego-culture must be stopped in its tracks. The pond-water into which Narcissus is gazing must be stirred to deep.

–The World-Teacher, Adi Da, from Not-Two Is Peace, the essay “You The People: On The Necessity of A Global Cooperative Order of The All of Humankind”, page 157, 3rd edition.

Basically everyone-all-at-once must feel the “Depth”, the prior unity, in order to stop dramatizing egoity. The first thingĀ  to do is to assert you’re a human being, you’re part of the human race:

First and foremost, people are members of the totality of humankind. Therefore, everyone should actively participate in the global cooperative. That is how it ought to be.

Prior Unity is the native state of humankind.

–from Prior Unity, The Basis For A New Human Civilization, by the World-Friend, Adi Da

Best to read the essay… or buy the books and read them both!

Education FinTech Leela

Investing Advice: You Become What You Meditate On!

When I think of investing, I think of Warren Buffet.

Invest in yourself
Invest in yourself

Currently I’ve been studying bitcoin and watching Michael from Boxmining and Andreas Antonopoulos on youtube alot.

Boxmining and Andreas Antonopoulos on youtube
Boxmining and Andreas Antonopoulos on youtube

Then I think, but I spend time every day in meditation as well. So that’s also a kind of investing. Adi Da, my spiritual teacher, says “You become what you meditate on.” Therefore, study or meditate on something good, contemplate someone who is doing good!

You become what you meditate on. This Law summarizes the Process whereby I become your unique Advantage. As My devotee, although you perceive beings and things and phenomena of all kinds, you are in Communion with Me. As My devotee, you are concentrated in Me. In the midst of all that arises, you constantly give your attention to Me through your practice of the Way of the Heart. When you Contemplate Me with devotion, you are Contemplating the Divine Reality, Which is Full, Perfect. When you feelingly-Contemplate Me, you are Contemplating the complete Divine Revelation.

from Avatar Adi Da Samraj


Update on the Google Library Project

SadĀ update on the problems of trying to scan all the books in the world, and make them available.