Design tech

Responsive Website

This is a property on Shendoah Rd that I setup. I set the images to resize to a max-width of 800px. For 2 across, I set the images into a grid, for portrait/landscape pair I used flex.

Education Health

Note to self: Scientists Figured Out How Much Exercise to ‘Offset’ a Day of Sitting

We know that spending hour after hour sitting down isn’t good for us, but just how much exercise is needed to counteract the negative health impact of a day at a desk? A new study suggests about 30-40 minutes per day of building up a sweat should do it. From

Education Health

South Dakota Nurse Jodi Doering’s TRAGIC COVID story on CNN: Patients REFUSE to believe it’s real

“On CNN New Day, South Dakota Nurse Jodi Doering told a sad story about how many of her patients with COVID don’t believe they have it given the misinformation by Donald Trump and right-wing media. They thus react with anger and disbelief rather than with an effort to get their affairs in order and speak to their families before passing.”

She says it’s a non-ending nightmare when patients come in and don’t believe they have covid and they’re dying from it, then they get angry and die. And the next day the next batch comes in repeating the same story.

Art tech

Cool Rocket & Moon Video/Story

Here’s an interesting story about a rare video and photos of a rocket flying in front of a nearly full moon.


Sometimes an Election Ad Writes Itself

President Donald Trump provided Joe Biden’s campaign team with the perfect fodder when the incumbent declared with apparent sarcasm at a North Carolina rally Saturday: “If I lose to him, I don’t know what I’m gonna do. I will never speak to you again. You’ll never see me again.

Team Biden quickly put together a video clip of the moment and the Democratic nominee provided the kicker: “I’m Joe Biden and I approve this message.