
The Ethereum Killers Are All Zombies Now

The Merge made it starkly visible to the world, but blockchain insiders have known for years that Ethereum’s assassins have fired their shots and missed.

If the best technology doesn’t seem to win, what separates long-term winners out in these standards battles? I hypothesize that there are two answers. First, developer ecosystem maturity and, second, management team.

[Ethereum has both ecosystem & management maturity.]

What does this mean for Ethereum’s well-funded would-be assassins such as Solana, Terra, Avalanche and others? I think it means they are zombies, technically still alive but running on borrowed time. How much time? It could be quite a few years. Competitors to the PC kept on going for more than a decade after Windows became the dominant platform. It won’t surprise me if some Ethereum killers are still trucking along with ever-diminished market share and crowds of online influencers shilling them in 2030.
